Journal Paper Journal Paper Information
Name Tahseenullah Khan, Mamoru Murata, M. Qasim Jan, Hafiz Ur Rehman, Muhammad Zafar, Hiroaki Ozawa, Anwar Qadir, Saqib Mehmood
Co-Authors Mamoru Murata, M. Qasim Jan, Hafiz Ur Rehman, Muhammad Zafar, Hiroaki Ozawa, Anwar Qadir, Saqib Mehmoo
Department Earth and Environmental Sciences
Title OF Paper Felsic dykes in the Neoproterozoic Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex, SE Sindh, Pakistan: Geochemistry and tectonic settings
Title Of Journal Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Paper Type ISI Index With Impact Factor
Impact Factor 1.24
Start Date 2017-07-18
Issue No
Volume No
Paper Status Published